Tagesarchive: April 17, 2020


BBC: Spiegel: „BEFREIT MINNESOTA!“ und „BEFREIT MICHIGAN!“, schrieb Trump am Freitag im Kurzmitteilungsdienst Twitter in Groß­buch­staben, gefolgt von: „BEFREIT VIRGINA, und rettet euren großartigen zweiten Verfassungs­zusatz. Er steht unter Belagerung!“ Der zweite Zusatz zur US-Verfassung garantiert das Recht auf Waffentragen. … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Liberation

Rob Urie, CounterPunch: This is to argue that the very worst that can be said about the Republicans can be true without elevating establishment Democrats. And it virtually guarantees that no matter who is elected in 2020, the political economy … Weiterlesen

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Roger Harris, CounterPunch: Sanders arguably could have beaten Trump but not the DNC. Or to turn that around, had the DNC not sandbagged him, Sanders surely would have beaten his Democratic rivals and gone on to defeat the incumbent president…if … Weiterlesen

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US Covid testing

Robinson Meyer and Alexis C. Madrigal, The Atlantic: The high positivity rate also suggests that new cases in the U.S. have plateaued only because the country has hit a ceiling in its testing capacity. … Since April 1, the country … Weiterlesen

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Jeffrey St. Clair, a man with a vivid imagination, imagines the possibility of Americans standing up

Jeffrey St. Clair: In Hungary, Viktor Orban got his obedient legislature to confer his “total power” over the country. Here, in the world’s most self-righteous “democracy,” the Congress is allowing Trump to seize total power simply by his own proclamation. … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Jeffrey St. Clair, a man with a vivid imagination, imagines the possibility of Americans standing up

April 17, 1963

Kommentare deaktiviert für April 17, 1963

Precarity capitalism

James K. Galbraith: The shifting political paradigm that Azmanova describes is becoming more and more apparent. Donald Trump spotted it in 2016. And he won the presidency by placing himself, if only rhetorically, at the head of a revolt of … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Precarity capitalism

Magical thinking

BBC: US scientists want more data before they will be confident they can reopen the economy without the virus flaring right back up again. They want to know how many people are infected. They want to know more about whether … Weiterlesen

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