Monatsarchive: Juli 2022

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‘Have you recently had an abortion?’ Australian transiting through US questioned then deported

Guardian: An Australian woman who planned to house-sit in Canada during a holiday has said she was detained, fingerprinted, interrogated about her abortion history and quickly deported during a stopover in the US. Madolline Gourley, a Brisbane resident, says she … Weiterlesen

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Sophy Ridge and Tom Tugendhat joke around

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Jake Tapper and John Bolton joke around

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Roosevelt emerges from the pages of the documents pertaining to the history of the Yalta Conference as a true founder of the imperial presidency, running his own foreign policy by reducing the State Department to little more than an instrument … Weiterlesen

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If one is looking for high-level meetings to blame for the Cold War-era division of Europe, then Moscow and Potsdam come to the fore, not Yalta. It was in Moscow that Churchill and Stalin agreed to divide the Balkans in … Weiterlesen

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The sinister nothingness of the anti-Boris rebellion

Brendan O’Neill, spiked: Indeed, the rebels’ letters of resignation were primarily aimed at the media. They were for the BBC and the Guardian and social media, not for us in the now broken and disregarded realm of what used to be called … Weiterlesen

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At 79, Biden Is Testing the Boundaries of Age and the Presidency

New York Times: “I do feel it’s inappropriate to seek that office after you’re 80 or in your 80s,” said David Gergen, a top adviser to four presidents. “I have just turned 80 and I have found over the last … Weiterlesen

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Noam Chomsky at American Solar Energy Society’s 51st Annual National Solar Conference at the University of New Mexico

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Green the New Pink as Color of Choice for Loudly Demonstrative Ineffectual Theater

BBC: An estimated 10,000 people gathered from across the US, organisers said. Lauren Pierce, 33, an attorney from Dallas, was among them, travelling some 1,300 miles (2,100km) to attend the demonstration. „There’s nothing, to me, more worth fighting for than … Weiterlesen

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Francesca Newton, Tribune: Johnson is currently expecting to head out of Number 10 in the autumn. As that autumn turns to winter, millions of people will be facing another £800 hike on their energy bills. Food banks are at capacity. … Weiterlesen

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