Monatsarchive: Juni 2023

Lichtheim (neither helpless nor frantic) on Marcuse

George Lichtheim: I am not a liberal and never have been. I find liberalism almost as boring as communism and have no wish to be drawn into an argument over which of these two antiquated creeds is less likely to … Weiterlesen

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Marco D’Eramo, New Left Review: The media still denounces Putin’s atrocities and makes obligatory comparisons with the Hitlers and Stalins of the past, yet it does so with the enthusiasm of a bored schoolchild, almost as if le coeur n’y était … Weiterlesen

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Grundrisse: Marx for communists

[T]he entire publication of the Grundrisse took place under what may safely be regarded as the least favourable conditions for any original development of Marx studies and Marxist thinking, namely in the USSR and the German Democratic Republic, at the … Weiterlesen

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On the Communist Manifesto and the 21st Century

However, what will undoubtedly also strike the contemporary reader is the Manifesto’s remarkable diagnosis of the revolutionary character and impact of ‚bourgeois society‘. The point is not simply that Marx recognised and proclaimed the extraordinary achievements and dynamism of a … Weiterlesen

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The good social scientist, as Engels showed, could only be a person free from the illusions of bourgeois society. Ω Ω Ω It must not be forgotten that Engels was (unlike most other foreign visitors) no mere tourist, but a Manchester businessman … Weiterlesen

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The Condition of the Working Class in England

The work begins with a brief sketch of that Industrial Revolution which transformed British society and created, as its chief product, the proletariat (chapters I—II). This is the first of Engels‘ pioneering achievements, for the Condition is probably the earliest … Weiterlesen

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Chomsky on the danger of nuclear war

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Style and a smile

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As Marx and Engels championed materialism against idealism in philosophy, so also they consistently criticised the view that the state stood above classes, represented the common interest of all society (except negatively, as a safeguard against its collapse), or was … Weiterlesen

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