Tagesarchive: August 10, 2019

KZ Hohnstein

The youth hostel was full of families with small children, the café’s tables half full of happy people enjoying a pleasant day. After reading the placard my sense of the macabre prompted me to sit at this table with the … Weiterlesen

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What a difference forty years makes.

Kommentare deaktiviert für Leipzig


Understand the surrounding streets are filled with tourists. People stream in and out of the Thomaskirche, where a sign levies 1 € to view the Bach Organ. In this context freedom of art means the freedom of advertisers to enforce … Weiterlesen

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Nikolaikirche, Leipzig

Unlike many cathedrals catering to tourists the Nikolaikirche has signs prohibiting photographs. It is a working church. In the nave I honored the request, but this exhibit caused me to well up with emotion. I felt honored to be here. … Weiterlesen

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On an overcast August Saturday there was a well-populated parking lot and several buses of visitors, almost all German. Older people (it’s funny to include myself in this category these days) were well-represented, but there were all ages, including plenty … Weiterlesen

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