Again the anonymous come from nowhere to commit acts beyond our understanding and then vanish


The identities of the 12 victims and the suspect have not yet been released. Chief Cervera said the suspect’s name would only be released after the victims‘ families had been notified.

„We’re going to mention his name once and then he will forever be referred to as ‚the suspect‘, because our focus now is the dignity and respect to the victims in this case and to their families,“ he said.

The docent at the 22. juli-Senteret in Oslo used the label „the terrorist“ a number of times, so I asked her about it. She said other times she will say „Breivik“. We spoke about the actor having had a definite agenda and having a past, not having come from nowhere.

The 21st Century American media does not engage desperation, job stress, alienation, political motives, military history, financial straits. Instead the actors are unknown, unknowable. Good right-thinking people like us are threatened by dangers from the mysterious void.

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