Thomas Singer,, four years ago:
Because a single powerful leader will draw from the rest of us powerful projections ranging from savior to devil, from healer to destroyer, I have long been interested, as a psychiatrist and Jungian psychoanalyst, in the relationship between politics, mythology and psychology. For people like me, this is our year.
Over the last three and a half years I’ve consistently seen US media treat Donald Trump as if he’s an evil visited on a helpless US by outside forces, imposed by Russia, voted in by dumb rednecks in flyover states.
Meanwhile I read German commentators talking about the actions of the US, not Trump. Tagesspiegel yesterday had a piece explicitly pointing out the sanctions Sassnitz was threatened with last week were imposed by the US Congress, not Trump.
This summer US media wryly bemoans the fact American tourists are shunned by Europe, as if Americans stand somehow wrongly accused, not responsible for the pandemic raging across the US.
Sigmar Gabriel writes the actions of the US Senators are „incomprehensibly arrogant and dumb“. I think this phrase is a good one.